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  • LUN / VEN 9:00 - 20.15
  • SABATO 9:00 - 12.30
Home Wetland


the Wetlands of Apulia

Apulia offers some of the most significant examples of coastal wetlands. Partly of natural and partly of anthropic origin, each of these areas has a more or less elevated salinity.

Wetland of the Margherita di Savioa

In the flat heart of Daunia, on the border between the provinces of Foggia and Bari, lie the salines of Margherita di Savoia, the largest in Europe, mentioned as early as the 3rd century B.C. The suggestive expanse ...

Wetlands in the world

Wetlands are those natural or artificial areas with presence of water, whether permanent or not, whether still or running, whether fresh or brackish or salt, including sea-areas whose depth is not more than six metres...

Flora and Fauna in the wetland

In Apulia wetlands, vegetation has needed to adapt itself to the peculiar environmental factors of these areas, namely the high salinity of the lagoon waters and of the substratum and the scarcity of oxygen in the soi...

Ramsar Convention

The Ramsar Convention (The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, especially as Waterfowl Habitat) is an international treaty for the conservation and sustainable utilization of wetlands,[1] i.e. to ...


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