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Home Pink Flamingo Margherita di Savoia (Greater flamingo)

Pink flamingo

Pink Flamingo Margherita di Savoia (Greater flamingo)

pink flamingo,

The origins and World distribution

The flamingos belong to one of the oldest Order of birds in the world, i.e. Ciconiiformes, which dates back to more than 50 million of years ago.

main breeding colonies

Flamingos only nidificate in rather big colonies: it was found out that the males begin the courting only in presence of numerous specimens of their own species.

The Pink Flamingo in the salt-pans Margherita di Savoia

The greater flamingos chiefly occur in lagoons and salt or brackish ponds on the coast, wide deltaic areas and slimy expanses.

What they eat

The diet of flamingos is mainly made up of aquatic invertebrates: crustaceans (such as Artemia salina), molluscs, anellids, grubs and chrysalises.

Why are flamingos pink?

The colour of the feathers of flamingos is due to the presence of particular organic substances: the carotenoids.

A harsh cry, a graceful flight

Flamingos are no doubt more famous for their beautiful plumage than for their cry.

A living symbol

Men have always thought of flamingos as something magic and the silhouette of these birds appears in objects of art thousands of years old. The tall and graceful figures are actually represented in rupestrian painti...

biggest threat

But the most serious threat to the flamingo is the destruction of its habitat But the most serious threat to the flamingo is the destruction of its habitat.

A State Naturalistic Reserve

In 1977 the salt-pans of Margherita di Savoia became a State Naturalistic Reserve and in 1979 they were declared "wetland of international importance", according to the Ramsar Convention (Iran, 1971). These...


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